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glad you like. hope folks use it from both sides (putting info in and getting knowledge)
Anonymous said
at 10:49 pm on Jan 16, 2008
This article is absolutely horrendous regarding Obama and his church.
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from ...Obama's Church. By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:20 PM PT. Election 2008: Since we first drew attention to Barack Obama's ...
Anonymous said
at 12:12 am on Jan 19, 2008
This is from MYDD. It has a post about someone who attended a rally with Bill Clinton. clinton then made the following comments that were later denied by David Axelrod and really upset him.
The comments were as follows:
He went more pointedly after Obama as well, saying "let me address this 'new politics business.' I got a taste of these new politics today" and he went on to cite a new radio ad in northern Nevada that is urging Republicans to register as a Democrat for a day to beat Hillary. "Doesn't sound like new politics to me." He also mentioned that he and Chelsea were approached in a hotel by workers who insisted they were voting for Hillary no matter what the union said. He went on to say that some of these workers were threatened with a new shift that wouldn't allow them to caucus if they indeed were to buck the union's endorsement.
Anonymous said
at 8:30 am on Aug 20, 2008
i deleted a version with a bunch of spam links at the bottom
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Comments (5)
Anonymous said
at 8:22 pm on Jan 13, 2008
great Idea.
registration@... said
at 8:28 pm on Jan 13, 2008
glad you like. hope folks use it from both sides (putting info in and getting knowledge)
Anonymous said
at 10:49 pm on Jan 16, 2008
This article is absolutely horrendous regarding Obama and his church.
IBDeditorials.com: Editorials, Political Cartoons, and Polls from ...Obama's Church. By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Tuesday, January 15, 2008 4:20 PM PT. Election 2008: Since we first drew attention to Barack Obama's ...
Anonymous said
at 12:12 am on Jan 19, 2008
This is from MYDD. It has a post about someone who attended a rally with Bill Clinton. clinton then made the following comments that were later denied by David Axelrod and really upset him.
The comments were as follows:
He went more pointedly after Obama as well, saying "let me address this 'new politics business.' I got a taste of these new politics today" and he went on to cite a new radio ad in northern Nevada that is urging Republicans to register as a Democrat for a day to beat Hillary. "Doesn't sound like new politics to me." He also mentioned that he and Chelsea were approached in a hotel by workers who insisted they were voting for Hillary no matter what the union said. He went on to say that some of these workers were threatened with a new shift that wouldn't allow them to caucus if they indeed were to buck the union's endorsement.
Anonymous said
at 8:30 am on Aug 20, 2008
i deleted a version with a bunch of spam links at the bottom
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